Serfin Services for Credit Management


One of the greatest needs in the credit and public utilities market today is not only to address early insolvencies in a timely and effective manner, but at the same time to maintain a high level of customer loyalty which, although not in compliance with payment, remains an important resource for the creditor company.The Early Collection process in addition to the recovery of the credit acts as a Customer Service, intercepting any physiological disruptions during the acquisition of the customer so as to avoid both the technical default and the risk of closing the contract, which could generate:

  • For Utilities customers, suspension of the service and any increase in expenses with the related consequences.
  • For Finance customers, reports and worsening of their creditworthiness.

The structure is organized into different specialized teams based on the needs of the client who, thanks to the technologies implemented and the know-how acquired, is able to respond promptly to all the requests that the market requires:

  • Quick reminders, 15 management days to avoid the worsening of the credit or the expiration of the next invoice;
  • Daily reports on the progress of the work and on the management of the individual teams and their portfolios with personalised access to our internal management system;
  • Continuous updates of staff and workstations dedicated to the different types of credit/insolvency treated utilities, banking, finance, automotive, PA).

Each team is structured and trained with the aim of reducing the risk of insolvency in a short time so as to segment the portfolio under management and obtain a clear and timely monitoring of all entrusted customers.


The activity consists in the management of customers for whom the activity of telephone and letter reminder has not produced positive results. In this circumstance, the portfolio is analysed by georeferencing the customers and the characteristics of the outstanding amount (amount, ageing, number of accounting documents). Thanks to the network composed of about 60 tax collectors throughout the country, always updated on the latest privacy regulations, home visits aimed at reaching payment agreements are timed.
The vehicle collection activity is dedicated to long-term leasing and rental companies. We have staff specialized in the recovery of goods and vehicles, who go, by appointment, to the customer’s address and proceed to the physical collection of the goods. The same is deposited at our headquarters or at the service points of the principal company. We guarantee coverage throughout the national territory.


The activity of managing and recovering receivables for mandatory services consists in the settlement of invoices issued by telephone operators (Wind Tre; BT Italia; Fastweb) against telephone or computer interceptions requested by the judicial authority. This activity is carried out by our dedicated and specialised officials, both for the preparatory phase and for the operational phase, directly within the offices of the Public Prosecutor’s Offices with which Serfin is accredited.

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